Friday, March 29, 2013

Stations at the Coliseum with the Pope

Stations at the Coliseum

I stopped by Bernardi today to pick up some stuff, and ended up staying to watch The Passion with some of the Bernardians for the afternoon.  I met up with my parents and we stopped in various churches (since during holy week, all the churches in Rome have their altars open for prayer) on the way to the Coliseum where we were going to be able to do stations of the cross
Pope Francis
with Pope Francis.  We were greeted by crowds and didn’t quite know what to expect.  I, of course, was used to the tight spaces and pushing, but my parents found it a little difficult.  We stayed for all of the stations and the message the Pope gave us.  By the time it was over it was after 10pm and we still had to wak all the way back to Bernardi on the other side of town to print off our train tickets and then all the way back to St. Peters to our hotel.  After standing for hours and fasting, we were exhausted.  I was moving by sheer will power, but we eventually made it back to our hotel after midnight.  I crashed hard on my soft bed for the night.

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