(Wednesday 2/6)
Pope Benedict XVI |
This morning we walked briskly in our skirts and dresses to St. Peters to grab good seats for an exclusive Papal Audience which takes place in an auditorium next to St. Peters. We were told that when our group name is announced it is customary to give a cheer, wave, or song. We decided we were going to sing the "Salve Regina", which is a song very dear to the Pope. I didn't know it yet and it is all in Latin so I spent the next couple of hours trying to learn it, only to find out 10 minutes before it started that it was too long and we were going to be singing "Immaculate Mary" instead. Oh well. I was seated right on the Aisle and there was great suspense in the room to see if the Pope was going to walk down the Aisle or come in from the stage. Crowds of school children were having a "cheer off" and screaming to each other "Viva Papa! (Long live the Pope!)" It was very cute and inspiring to see people from every language all here to see the shepherd, the one Jesus has chosen to lead his church during this time. The room was filled with a sense of hope. When Papa Bene walked on stage waving the room erupted into cheers. To be in the presence of such a holy man filled me with a sense of great humility. He spoke a message to each one of us presented there in about 8 different languages. Sometimes the groups would start singing while he was trying to speak but instead of getting annoyed, he waved at them with a gracious smile on his face as if he has never heard any of it before. He then led us all in prayer. It was wonderful and I look forward to seeing him more this semester!
Head of John the Baptist |
After class, on the way back we stopped in a couple of churches (that looked just like a wall with a gate on the outside). One of them was the most beautiful one I've seen so far, "Isanti Apostoles". it was filled with glass chandeliers and oil paintings with gold trim. In front of the Altar there were stairs leading down into a tomb where the Apostles who followed Jesus, James the Lesser and Philip, are buried. The 2nd church we went in held the head (skull) of John the Baptist. This one really hit me to be so close to a man who prepared the way for Jesus...and it is right on the walk back to our home! How spectacular, that there are numerous opportunities for close encounters with Christ here. Also on the walk back we walked through the Piazza Del Popolo where Carnvial festivities are taking place! I can't wait to see when they are having more events.
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